Getting help
To run the app, just use the command redovc (some releases use the previous name ultodo). To learn more about what you can do with the app, use the following command:
redovc --help
To learn about a specific command, run redovc with the command and then --help:
redovc [command] --help
- add Add a todo
- addnote Add a note to a todo
- archive Archive a todo
- complete Complete a todo
- completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- delete Delete a todo
- deletenote Delete a note from a todo
- edit Edit a todo
- editnote Edit notes on a todo
- help Help about any command
- init Initializes a new todo list in the current directory
- list List todos
- prioritize Prioritize a todo
- status Sets the status of a todo item
- unarchive Un-archives a todo
- uncomplete Un-completes a todo
- unprioritize Un-prioritize a todo
- version Displays the version of redovc